Entry requirements were for 5 layouts with criteria given for three of them...
First up... A LO about ME - Yikes!!! I used the Smitten kit which was available from a Scrapbookgraphics blog hop & kept the LO very simple. Those that know me will know that I don't 'do' pink yet there's a LOT of pink on here for me!!!
This is Me

Second... a Double LO - I've done a few DLO's in real life but doing it digitally completely took me out of my comfort zone - but I'm pleased with it! I used Sir Scrapalot's kit 'Snow Much Fun' - which was beautiful but not the traditional colours you'd expect to see on a wintery LO.
The End of the Snowman

Third... a LO without photos! Easy! I wanted to do a LO with all the nicknames Madison has already acquired... Took me a long time but when I look back at it now, I can see why - its too busy!
What's Your Name?

Then 2 more LOs - any size, any theme...
So firstly... whizzed together using Sir Stampalot's Spookilicious kit & Echo Park's digital Halloween Alpha.

and lastly, my favourite... 'a Model ?' using a kit from Dawn Inskip called Snapshots, which was just perfect for this LO.
A Model?

I didn't get through the 'auditions' for the competition but I enjoyed doing them & I certainly learnt a lot more about Photoshop Elements. I've done some more digital LO's since but I'll save those for another post. I also think I need to be a bit bolder on my shadowing - maybe I'll go back to my very first digital LO's and practice on those!!!