It feels like its been one of those weeks but only lasted for 2 days- Wed and Thurs!
It was a long, tiring day on Wednesday - taking Madison to my SILs for 7.30am, then we had to be at The Countess of Chester Hospital by 8.30 for the pre-op assessment, which didn't finish until 2pm! Then collecting Madison, waiting to see some pictures of a friend getting married in Gibralter at 4pm (UK time) and getting home at 6pm! Only to be topped off with my dear mum & dear son wanting a chippy tea! I collected, I ordered, I plated it up for them, I threw away the remnants! Not only did I not eat any, I didn't even lick my fingers! Result! Don't think I've ever been so determined as I am now to get on with this diet!
Everything went well, I met the anesthetist, one of the surgeons and the dietician. I had already spoken with the psychotherapist the week before. Met up again with a few ladies that I'd met briefly at the local support group - we all live within 20 minutes of each other and will be having surgery about the same time.
The burning question everyone wanted to know was how soon could the surgery be done? We were told different things depending on who you asked! The one thing that did remain the same was that we would get a phone call either this Friday or early next week.
Yet on Thursday, 9.15am, I got that call! WOW! Offering me a surgery date of Monday 12th August, with a gastroscopy to be done first on Tuesday 6th.
Its the date I was hoping for but I didn't really expect it to happen that soon! I was shaking by the end of the call. I was and still am a bundle of nerves & excitement & apprehension with a hefty dollop of impatience on the top!
The time came to 'buy lots of Slim Fast shakes for the days' and 'lots of salad ingredients to have with some protein, meat or fish' in the evenings.
So today I'm on day 2 of the pre-op diet and have 9 more days to go! Roll on Mon 12th - to start my new 'healthy' relationship with food!
I received the news from my friend Lesley who is on the design team over at Use Your Words that I had won their first challenge with my mixed media page here.
Thank you UYW team - I'm proudly displaying my blinkie ----> somewhere over there ---> :)
Project Life® 2024 | Week 41
1 day ago